Category: Preservation

The Perfect World Foundation US Inc. is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax identification number: 37-1832493.

The Perfect World Foundation

The Perfect World Foundation was founded with the sole mission to save part of our paradise for the next generation.


Category: Humanitarian Work

The Red Cross is a registered Danish charity with CVR: 20700211.

Danish Red Cross

The Red Cross is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation with 17 million volunteers in 191 countries. We are part of your local community wherever you may live. With your help we will always be there when we are needed.


Category: Children in Need

The CoolUnite Foundation is a registed charity with CVR: 39175193


CoolUnite is a charity server children in need. We’re striving to have the lowest administration costs and full transparency to maximize our results for those who need it the most.